1961 Swaziland Greater Kudu 2R on £1 tipe II bottom MNH SG n. 77b


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1961 Swaziland, regno di Elisabetta II, francobollo di posta ordinaria 2R on £1 black and turquoise-blue tipe II in basso, soggetto Kudu maggiore. 1 valore, nuovo perfetto senza linguella. Catalogo Stanley Gibbons n. 77b, £ 150,00.

1961 Swaziland, Kingdom of Elisabeth II, ordinary mail stamp 2R on £1 black and turquoise-blue tipe II at bottom, subject Greater Kudu. 1 value, perfect mint and never hinged, Stanley Gibbons Catalogue No. 77b, £150.00.