1914 Italia VE III Lire 2 FDS Rif BC 31 Alfa


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1914 Italia, Re Vittorio Emanuele III, Lire 2 in qualità FDS del 21/09/1914. Buono di Cassa a corso legale, al dritto, nell’ovale perlinato sinistro, busto di Vittorio Emanuele III e al rovescio Stemma sabaudo sormontato da una corona, senza filigrana e firme Dell’Ara Righetti. Riferimento Catalogo Alfa n. BC 31, € 275,00.

1914 Italy, King Victor Emmanuel III, 2 Lire in BU quality dated 21/09/1914. Voucher of legal tender, on the obverse, in the left beaded oval, bust of Victor Emmanuel III and on the reverse, Savoy coat of arms surmounted by a crown, without watermark and Dell’Ara Righetti signatures. Reference Alfa Catalogue No. BC 31, € 275.00.